Monday, December 31, 2012

Life in Philippines - Year End

End of another year

So much changes in a year. A year ago we were looking forward to moving into our new house in Dipolog City getting married and being able to settle and start running a local business. The problem of the slow pace of life and the fact that local people have no financial resources, has forced a complete change of plan, the south of the Philippines is like a different country compared to the Capital area, and it will take sometime to change.

Jasmin's annulment was delayed by a technical error, this however was resolved yesterday so we now just have to wait for the official records to be adjusted, and can finally look forward to getting married in the Spring.

Once we are married we will be returning to Europe to live in Cyprus. It will be challenging due to the financial issues, however will provide a way into the housing market before prices start rising again. Cyprus will provide better possibilities for us in the long term and provide better communications with the rest of my family in the UK.

The year did not end well for either Jasmin or my parents, with my father being admitted to hospital with a heart problem just before Christmas and Jasmin's mother suffering a heart attack on a ferry returning from Manila. both it seems will require pacemakers fitting in the new year.

2013 promises to be a landmark year with everything finally falling into place.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Life in the Philippines

Christmas is coming

Christmas is just over a week away and shopping is becoming a chore, with tricycles and cars clogging up the streets, the best way about town is by mountain bike, but I have noticed lately that air pollution is getting worse, there is a definite haze in the traffic areas. Last week I delivered my Christmas promotions to the local businesses and will see if they bear fruits in the future. Ben our dog is due for his annual anti rabies shot, but the vet informed me yesterday he is out of supplies, it seems that many more people are getting their dogs vaccinated these day, hopefully he will have new stocks next week. The vet confirmed my fears that when we move to Cyprus will be too costly to take the dogs with us as they do not have microchiping or suitable blood testing to meet European standards.

The first batch of carol singers made their rounds, but we are lucky that living in a gated community most are turned away at the gate. I am still not sure of what are plans are for Christmas , Jay and his grandmother are going to Manila next week but am not sure if they will return by Christmas Day, planning and organisation goes out of the window when living in the Philippines.

Business is quietening down for the holidays the only news in this area is the announcements of a change in direction for my veretekk business as it drops its affiliate program, which mean a drop in income from January, but a promise of more to come at ht end of the year.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Life in the Philippines

Christmas is coming

Christmas is just over a week away and shopping is becoming a chore, with tricycles and cars clogging up the streets, the best way about town is by mountain bike, but I have noticed lately that air pollution is getting worse, there is a definite haze in the traffic areas. Last week I delivered my Christmas promotions to the local businesses and will see if they bear fruits in the future. Ben our dog is due for his annual anti rabies shot, but the vet informed me yesterday he is out of supplies, it seems that many more people are getting their dogs vaccinated these day, hopefully he will have new stocks next week. The vet confirmed my fears that when we move to Cyprus will be too costly to take the dogs with us as they do not have microchiping or suitable blood testing to meet European standards.

The first batch of carol singers made their rounds, but we are lucky that living in a gated community most are turned away at the gate. I am still not sure of what are plans are for Christmas , Jay and his grandmother are going to Manila next week but am not sure if they will return by Christmas Day, planning and organisation goes out of the window when living in the Philippines.

Business is quietening down for the holidays the only news in this area is the announcements of a change in direction for my veretekk business as it drops its affiliate program, which mean a drop in income from January, but a promise of more to come at ht end of the year.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Life in Philippines

Financial shock

This month my pension payment was reduced for some reason and caused a worrisome time. I was wondering is there had been a change in the UK to reduce pensions. It made be realise that I need to find an additional source of income to protect me in the future. Happily it has been resolved it was an administration error and after speaking to the UK tax office it will be corrected in the next payment/

I have not been able to afloat since moving to the Philippines so now I am trying my hand at virtual sailing in the Vendee Globe around the world race. Tactics and reading the weather are the keys to success, At the moment I am in the chasing pack closing in slowly on a group ahead who have run into lighter winds. I am hoping to catch the front of a new low pressure system to get me to the first ice gate off South Africa. The only problem being is that when I arrive it could be a windless area and many people being me will be closing on my heels. the highest position i have been is 100 but I dropped back to 130 due to a computer outage and am now clawing my way back currently in 109.

My computer outage was caused by a typhoon passing across Mindanao, thankfully only a few 100 people lost their lives compared to over a thousand last year as they had warnings to get into shelter. These typhoons are part of the change in global weather patterns and it is always the poor and ill-informed that seen to suffer.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Life in Philippines

Life Drifts on

Very little happening in the Philippines this past week, yes they are gearing up for Christmas a major celebration time for them. Traffic is busier in Dipolog city. They have been repainting the pedestrian crossings, not sure why because most motorists ignore them. Maybe one reason is the paint seems to wear off in a matter of days, and there are no warning signs or beacons so they are hard to see.

I learn something new yesterday as there was another 12 hour power outage and that is that the ATM's don't work unless the banks are open, it was a national holiday so banks where shut and it seems they do not have auto start generators. As I was not able to work online we decided to go shopping but that came to an end due to lack of cash. Oh the joys of being in a third world country.

Jasmin is still awaiting for a legal document to be processed, it would seem some documents went missing and we had to obtain a legal document from the post office to confirm it had been posted. We are now in December and if we do not receive some good news this month all out plans for next year are in jeopardy.

I have finally made contact with my Son after a three year gap, something was blogging wither his or my email address, his news was not good as he has been made redundant, and at the same time I have become a grandfather.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Dipolog City - House and Lot For Sale

Original Article @ Dipolog house and Lot for Sale

We had a nasty little surprise this week when we discovered we had not paid our property tax for the year. we had received the title to our property in August, which showed that Property tax had been paid for 2011 and we assumed that that we would be informed when we were due to pay the current year tax. Never assume anything in the Philippines, apparently in Dipolog City, the Tax falls due quarterly in advance and home owners are notified by the posting of a notice outside city hall. This is fine if you happen to pass city hall and see the notice, otherwise you are in the dark. We ended up paying interest, which having become somewhat cynical, we believe is another way of making money out of people, maybe they did mail a reminder but then in a place where mail delivery is also suspect that is not the answer either.

The good news however is we have paid the property tax for 2013 as well so that the purchaser of our house will avoid the problem next year.

Till the next time

David Ogden
Dipolog City
Ed Mercer 100 Millionaiers challenge

Friday, October 26, 2012

Life in the Philippines

Waiting on Bureaucracy

Having made our decision to leave the Philippines we are now in the hand of bureaucrats with regards to getting our paperwork in order and unfortunately here everything takes time which is very frustrating and is not making life any easier.

I am the kind of person who likes to get things moving and we have a tight deadline. The School year in the Philippines ends in March, so this is the earliest time we can move to Cyprus and will provide time for Jay to settle in prior to resuming his education in September which is the start of the School year. We have to register him in May so that is the latest departure date, to ensure he has a school placement.

The main problem is we need to formally adopt Jay, even though he has been living with us for two years and the authorities need time to consider this, in the best interests of the child. We know it is in Jay's best interests because a European education is far superior to what is available in the Philippines and most Filipinos leave the country anyway as the wages here are too low and they are better odd working abroad.

So for the next few months it seems I am going to have to bite my tongue and subject myself to what I see as unreasonable demands. Part of the problem is the Philippines is where we live, yes I have a UK passport but I have not lived there for 12 years so it seems crazy to ask questions in UK about about my recent past of which they have no knowledge. But here in the Philippines I am regarded as a foreigner and they expect that I have a home in another country, If I did I would not be living here now.

Another tropical storm has been working its way across the country this week, causing the using flooding and power outages which the locals just accept as a normal way of life.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dipolog City - House and Lot For Sale

Original Article @ Dipolog house and Lot for Sale

The Philippines does suffer from a high average rainfall especially at this time of year with over 400mm in the current month although in the spring this from down to around 100mm many houses are built with tin roof with the result that heavy rain makes it impossible to hear someone speaking, added to this is the lack of rain gutters and downpipes so an artificial waterfall is created. Our house and lot for Sale in Dipolog city, is finished with shingle tiles which reduce the noise to nothing and we have long lasting plastic gutters and downpipes, rather that metal which deteriorate rapidly in the tropic,

As you can image you can collect a lot of free water and we originally had plans to place storage tanks behind the house filled by the downpipes rather that letting this resource go to waste.

The one good thing about tropical storms they are over quite quickly and soon the sun is shining brightly again.

Till the next time

David Ogden
Dipolog city
Ed Mercer 100 Millionaiers challenge

Saturday, October 20, 2012

How to Get Money

Return on Investment

How do people create wealth, well it does not matter who you are or what you do , you could be a billionaire like Ed Mercer or an ordinary individual working a nine to five job, but you need to find a vehicle which you can use to increase your wealth. Now at one time one of these vehicles was your home, however this was ruined by lenders lending more money than borrowers could reasonably repay, with the results that their loans exceeded the future value of houses and this caused the worldwide financial crisis which we are struggling to get out. There are however a number of other ways to get a good return on investment.

I do not recommend High Yield Investment schemes unless you are prepared to lose your investment, but they can work for some people but are very risky for the unwary. One business which I am involved with is a pre-launch Forex company and in fact you do not even have to risk $1, they give you $100 in seed money to advertise their new Forex trading system and until the company formally launches you benefit from any gains or loses the system makes, the latest trade last week added another 9% to my account which is now approaching $1,200. Yes it is an advertising ploy to attract people but if they join when the company launch there are monthly commissions available which could prove regular income of one or two thousand dollars all from zero investment. Even if the business never launches you have lost nothing but perhaps when it does it will have created some money to start you on the journey to greater wealth.

People look to the Internet to earn money and it is difficult to discern which are good and which are bad for a long time Zeek rewards was flavour of the month but the business was not sustainable and many lost money they could not afford to lose.

The secret to securing a good return on your investment is to follow someone who is trustworthy and has a track record of success and one such person is Ed Mercer who has taken up a challenge with Guinness world records to create 100 new millionaires in this time of recession. If you want to share with his success you should join him on his challenge and reap the rewards of his research. A word of warning however, you will need to be prepared to commit time, money and effort to build your serious wealth, it not a program for dreamers it is for those people who are prepared to do what ever it takes to build success.

David Ogden

Ed Mercer- 100 millionaires
Prelaunch X

Friday, October 19, 2012

Life in the Philippines -Wedding

Philippine wedding

Yesterday we attending another wedding in the Philippines which seems to be a popular place for people to marry local girls. This time it was an Australian marrying a girl just out of college. It tuned out to be a long day with an early morning start to travel to Sindangan for breakfast prior to the wedding planned for 10AM. Once again the wedding turned out to be totally disorganised, with nobody knowing what was happening, we went to a guest house house were the bride was preparing in order to change and 10AM came and went, while we sat and chatted in the Garden. There appeared to be some problem relating to the Judge who was going to officiate over the ceremony. we were then sent to a local school hall were the reception was to be held, to wait the arrival of the wedding party.

The wedding co-ordinate forgot to inform the the Bridegroom who was left waiting at his hotel. Finally some time later the Judge arrived and we took our places with the sponsors to follow the Judge and the Bridegroom down the aisle ahead of the Bride. The Judge sat at a raised table with the Bride and Groom on each side and then appeared to lecture then on law in the Philippines saying that it is easy to get married but the Philippines does not allow divorce, while we all sat around and listened, in a building which was getting hotter and hotter in the midday sun. Eventually we were called to stand and gather round for the actually ceremony to began. it was evident there had been no rehearsal and the groom had some difficulties understanding some of the words he was meant to say due to the pronunciation. Finally they were pronounced Husband and Wife and we were able to toast the bride and groom and get on with the reception.

Now I have always understood a civil ceremony was quicker but this one took longer than any church wedding. Once the reception was over we went to one of our friends beach resort to change and refresh ourselves for the return drive to Dipolog city.

Our friends who we travelled with had had a real eye opener in visiting the rural town of Sindangan with its dusty roads and hundreds of tri-cycles both pedal and motorised in place of cars, which seems some ten years behind Dipolog city where we all live.

We arrived home in the early evening exhausted from been baked in the heat of the day and by the travel on local roads which I have written about on many occasions, so we had an early night.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dipolog City - House and Lot For Sale

Original Article @ Dipolog house and Lot for Sale

 dipolog house ans lot for sale wall shutteringout house which is for sale in Dipolog city is built on rock with a concrete foundation. The standard construction method locally is to use reinforced concrete pillars with hollow block walls. Problems however can arise due to the quality of the blocks which is not consistent and they will fracture under load, so in the event of an earthquake the walls are liable to collapse leaving only the pillars standing.

Our Dipolog house and lot for sale in addition to being built on rock also has concrete reinforced walls, with the concrete being poured, so that the the walls and the pillars are all tied together so that wall can support some of the load. One other advantage of this method of construction is a smoother finish for both interior and exterior walls.

Since we have lived in the house there have been a few tremors but no damage or cracks have appeared in walls so this method seems successful.

We are at the moment gathering information and planning our removals to Cyprus, its a bit of a gut wrench as we had expected to be here for some time, however our business comes first so move we must.

Till the next time

David Ogden
Dipolog city
Ed Mercer 100 Millionaiers challenge

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dipolog City - House and Lot For Sale

Original Article @ Dipolog house and Lot for Sale

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Are you thinking of moving to the Philippines, to escape the rat race and live in a country where you are regarded as a millionaire? Well we have a house for sale in Dipolog city which is ready to move into, all you need to bring is your personal belonging we can even provide you with a car, so that you have virtually nothing else to purchase.

The house was completed earlier this year and stands in a gated community off the main road, it is in a quiet location with views over the surrounding area. There is a communal pool which is undergoing renovation. The gated community means you are protected from casual visitors who try to sell their wares door to door. The residents are mainly expats and include some affluent locals.

We have lived in the house since February and have found that the patio doors installed both upstairs and downstairs allows for good air circulation as a light breeze can flow through the house on most days. I you love the sun it shines on the garden throughout the day, although you can always find a shady spot to sit and read. If things get too hot for you you can always switch on the air conditioning to cool you down.

The house is ideal for a family with both public and private schools within walking distance. The city centre is just a short ride away by tricycle cab, which is the main form of transport in the city. Dipolog is more like a small town rather than a city and the locals have a laid back attitude.

Local markets provide the source of fresh fish and fruits such as mango, which are cheap and delicious. If you are partial to western food the large supermarkets are the place to shop, including Lee Plaza. Lee plaza is a small modern shopping Mall with good supermarket, general stores, food outlets and a place to gather at the weekend, it has a useful underground car park as well.

Till the next time

David Ogden
Dipolog city
Ed Mercer 100 Millionaiers challenge

Dipolog City - House and Lot For Sale

Original Article @ Dipolog house and Lot for Sale

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Are you thinking of moving to the Philippines, to escape the rat race and live in a country where you are regarded as a millionaire? Well we have a house for sale in Dipolog city which is ready to move into, all you need to bring is your personal belonging we can even provide you with a car, so that you have virtually nothing else to purchase.

The house was completed earlier this year and stands in a gated community off the main road, it is in a quiet location with views over the surrounding area. There is a communal pool which is undergoing renovation. The gated community means you are protected from casual visitors who try to sell their wares door to door. The residents are mainly expats and include some affluent locals.

We have lived in the house since February and have found that the patio doors installed both upstairs and downstairs allows for good air circulation as a light breeze can flow through the house on most days. I you love the sun it shines on the garden throughout the day, although you can always find a shady spot to sit and read. If things get too hot for you you can always switch on the air conditioning to cool you down.

The house is ideal for a family with both public and private schools within walking distance. The city centre is just a short ride away by tricycle cab, which is the main form of transport in the city. Dipolog is more like a small town rather than a city and the locals have a laid back attitude.

Local markets provide the source of fresh fish and fruits such as mango, which are cheap and delicious. If you are partial to western food the large supermarkets are the place to shop, including Lee Plaza. Lee plaza is a small modern shopping Mall with good supermarket, general stores, food outlets and a place to gather at the weekend, it has a useful underground car park as well.

Till the next time

David Ogden
Dipolog city
Ed Mercer 100 Millionaiers challenge

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Life in the Philippines

Bureaucracy in the Philippines

I have never known a nation like the Philippines for bureaucracy and I am sure most of it is to make money for the government and their cronies, Unfortunately at the moment I have a number of tasks to undertake before I leave the country which require dealing with government department.

Yesterday I need to get a simple police clearance, so I downloaded the form from the the National Bureau of Investigation and headed to the local office in Dipolog city, only to be told that as I am an Alien, I need to go to Manila some 1,000 Kilometres away. In a similar way there is no longer an immigration presence in Dipolog city so when my visa expires next week I need to travel some six hours to Cagayan Del Oro to renew it. Trying to get information and answers by email is virtually impossible.

I Compare this with getting information from Cyprus where I am planning to move to, with emails sent requesting information on Visa and residency questions being answered within hour of been sent and not requiring any travel. You may be thinking I am crazy to swop living in the Philippines where you can live like a prince on a few thousand dollars, compared to Cyprus where costs and taxes are higher, but there are a number of reasons no least being being able to qualify for a European passport for my Son to be wife and child. I do not wish to return to the UK as the weather is too cold, but can survive in Cyprus with hot summers and relatively warm winters.

The main reason however relates to lifestyle, it is a safer place to live as a millionaire and has good communications which is essential for me as I am working with billionaire mentor Ed Mercer and rely on the Internet to build serious wealth for myself and my family. Many people have dreams to be wealthy, but few really commit to the idea, I have discovered that many self made millionaires share Ed's experience starting life with little or no money and building a strategy to succeed.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Friday, October 5, 2012

Dipolog House and Lot For Sale

Original Article @ Dipolog house and Lot for Sale

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Hardly had we completed our dream house in Dipolog City than we have to move away due to my business commitments, so now we are in the process of putting it on the market.

This is an excellent time for someone to purchase a new property which is ready to move into as we are leaving it virtually fully furnished including large screen TV, Larder Fridge/Freezer, Gas/electric Hob, Oven and front loading washing machine. Curtains and blinds Beds, Office and computer desks.

We are removing only our personal possessions and pictures. we will be sad to go as our garden is beginning to mature, but business is business and if you really want to be successful you have to be prepared to do what ever it takes.

We had originally expected to stay for 5 years or more otherwise we we would not even considered buying, however things change and so move we must.

We also have to set about selling our Mitsubishi Strada 4X4 which is just over a year old, and finding homes for our two dogs Fred the oldest is just over a year and Ben the youngest 9 months, we adopted both and they are turning out to be excellent pets and at the same same time guard dogs, we will miss them dearly as they will miss us. They are great with children, we have a ten year old child and a 4 year old and both dogs are happy to spend time both in the house during the day and on guard duty at night outside. when ever family members are out our the children are expected home they sit expectantly at the gate of our house.

Till the next time

David Ogden
Dipolog city
Ed Mercer 100 Millionaiers challenge

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Creating serious wealth

Earlier this year became involved with some HYIP investments as a test to see if they worked. I had never really trusted them as they where attached to payments systems which I did not trust. However I found a couple that were supported by Payza, so I used that as a marker because I have used Payza and it predecessor for a number of years. All was going well until Payza without warning down supporting Hyip systems, with the result I could not withdraw my money.

I lodged a dispute with Payza requesting them to recover the money I had in the investment, not expecting to hear anything, then yesterday I had a pleasant surprise when I was informed that the had recovered 20% which actually matched by start up investment so it was a good deal. perhaps I was lucky, but I no longer would recommend anyone to invest in HYIP systems unless it is with money they can afford to lose.

My Pre-launch Forex business continues to gain with a further trade in the last week breaking through the $1,000 level, not bad for a free account with a credit of $100. the account is being managed at the moment so it is an easy way to start building up some capital for when the company launches, there is of course no risk because there was no start up cost.

I am now focussing all my efforts on ED Mercer's 100 millionaire's challenge project, the program has to be seen to be believed, There are not many people who have access to someone of Ed stature, who can provide advice on how to grow your wealth. Is is a serious business far removed from anything you have seen or heard about before. Ed Mercer has achieved virtually everything he has set out to do, so there is no reason to believe he will not succeed with his latest challenge.

David Ogden

Ed Mercer- 100 millionaires
Prelaunch X

Friday, September 14, 2012

Millionaire Mentoring to Create Serious Wealth

There are a number of millionaires who provide mentoring to business minded people, not only to build their wealth but also to educate them into how to handle money and the attention that wealthy people attract. So how successful is millionaire mentoring and where can you find a millionaire mentor.

Well I have been lucky to have come in contact with Millionaire Ed Mercer via his 100 millionaires challenge, and I find it refreshing that he has so much time to offer towards guiding and influencing people to achieve success. Mentors can inspire you not only to reach your dreams but to pursue goals that far exceed your dreams. Yes you do need to be trainable, disciplined and one hundred percent committed to achieve success.

I had in fact heard about Ed many years ago when he was concerned about environmental issues in Costa Rica, so I did a little research and it appears he has been successful in the past in creating 35 millionaires, although this new challenge is mind blowing his track record speaks for itself and I am sure he will succeed or even surpass his goal:-

"Ed is one of those magnetic figures that brings out the best in those that are looking for guidance," said John Woods, "and so very thankful that God led me down the path where I was able to connect with this talented individual who has taught me so much from an Entrepreneurial standpoint and in particular to being a Leader in this Industry … from Ed I have learned how important it is to help others as their success will eventually be returned to the originator many times over and a daily focus for myself with every great individual I am proud to call a Team Member!"
John Woods

Times are hard for many people not only in Europe and America but around the world and many people have found themselves thrust into poverty, now Ed Mercer does not give monetary handouts but instead provides advice and mentoring to help people pick themselves up and get back to chasing their dreams, People such as Kent Adams:-

"As a custom home builder, my family and I were hit very hard by the banking industry bust and real estate crash. In short, between 2009 and 2011, we lost everything. My business was gone. Our home got foreclosed on. My truck was repossessed as my two youngest sons watched. It was a nightmare. Last spring, I met Ed Mercer at the Summits Wealth Creation Conference in Richmond, and started getting personally mentored by him. Since then, I have been able to start several new business ventures, purchase our dream home for my family, and buy a Mercedes Benz. What a difference a year makes!"

David Ogden
Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Starting a Serious Business

Turning Failure into Success

Did you know that 85% of small business businesses fail in their first year and the two main reasons are lack of experience and insufficient capital. If you have considered starting your own business you will no doubt have searched online and come across many thousand of opportunities. some are good, some are bad and others just rip offs to get you money. So how do you choose, well look at the main causes of failure.

What kind of experience do you have that can build a business, if you are a salesperson them maybe select something in sales and marketing, or maybe you have a talent that can be turned into a business, you can make or sell online. You could consider an MLM but you need to research them thoroughly and they can be quite restrictive in what you do.

Next how much money do you have to invest and this is in my opinion where many fail. Every business needs money to start off, so take off your list all the so called opportunities that are on offer for free. The other fact is that the more money you lay out to start of the more you will be committed to make your business work. Most people can spend $50-100 and not even miss it so they are not bothered about success or failure. At the other end a franchise business will cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars and you will work hard to get a return on your investment over a number of years until you are in profit.

Now times are hard at the moment and I would suggest you choose a conservative mode. If you are serious you need to raise around $5,000 to building your business. You can build success, it is money you cannot afford to lose, so your are more likely to take your business seriously and do what ever it is you need to do to be successful. You probably do not want to commit the full amount initially but hold some back to cover contingencies.

Getting started is always difficult, it part of the challenge of living, you need to remain focussed on you goals and as you start earning money feed some back to continue growing your business. It also helps to mix with other successful people, for some reason some of their success rubs off on you.

David Ogden
Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Life In the Philippines - communications

Life in the Philippines
Power and communications

Power supply has once more become a major issue in Dipolog City, lack of a reliable supply is one of the reasons that business cannot be attracted to the area. Yes there is promised improvements under way, but with little or no maintenance to the current supply lines there are frequent cuts. There is no redundancy or alternative routing in the system so as to reduce the numbers of consumers effect by a line breakage.

I discovered yesterday, that Businesses that rely on PLDT's DSL system can also be effected by longer outages as the phones stop working, probably because somewhere on the routing there is some switching that requires power and after a period of time the backup batteries fail.

I had time yesterday to visit a friend who was opening a new Internet Cafe and travel booking office in Sindangan, although once again still awaiting on PLDT to install DSL A good crowd attended, mostly due to the free food, but later in the day it filled with paying customers playing online games.

I met an American Expat at the opening party and we discussed at length the fact that communications via mobile phone, and Internet is resulting in building a generation who now longer know how to converse face to face. Most people were sitting around or standing carrying out conversations via SMS or chat with people rather than speak with the people around them.

A generation is being created which rely on phones and the like and if these stop working they are at a loss of what to do. Young children have phones and take them to school where in breaks between lessons they can be seen using them rather than playing and interacting with those around them.

We had left our son to play with his old friends in Sindangan who he has not seen for some months and when we picked him up in the afternoon we asked him what he had been doing, the answer he was on facebook... so much for his friends.

Up until now my mentor Ed Mercer has has not had need of a laptop or ever sent an SMS, however as he needs to communicate with the hundred people he is aiming to turn into millionaires, he now has a new laptop and is learning how to use it.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Monday, September 3, 2012

Life In the Philippines - earhtquake

Life in the Philippines

The major news this week is the Earthquake east of the island of Samar, which created a tsunami warning. I know the Island well having taken part in an adventure race there many years ago. Thankfully no waves occurred but many houses were damaged because they were build on stilts. P11.8 million in damage was caused to to public and private infrastructure including 5 bridges and roads.

The Philippines is prone to natural disasters being in the path of many Typhoons and with a major earth quake fault a few hundred mines to the east. I was thinking of living in Samar but the risk is two great even though it is a beautiful island. In Dipolog city where I live the house shock for about 8 seconds causing light fittings and plant to sway but no damage.

We have had four power cuts this week caused by winds, which brought down power lines, why they use wooden posts beats me, with termites and tropical wood rot, combines with hanging too much spaghetti to the lines. this is not good when operating an online business.

Speaking of my business working with Billionaire Ed Mercer on his quest to create 100 new millionaires Guinness World Record. I glean a little more information on what is needed to be successful

Millionaires share lots of information with each other, but have some traits, they work hard and play hard and are committed to what they do, be it helping others or setting up charities, I have not met one yet that has created serious wealth just for the sake of having a big house and car etc. They all receive many begging letters, but no-one has enough wealth to put everything to right. Giving handouts rarely improves someone life, but helping them think and act differently and pointing them in the right direction can reap dividends.

A person receives few opportunities in a lifetime but you can bet your life that someone who wants to be wealthy will grab everyone of them, which is why they get ahead. By working with ED you can get ahead and create serious wealth.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Reaching Out To Someone

You can't live on Enough

Today's post is an update on the guy who has dreams of becoming a millionaire by the age of 25 and cannot find a job apart from working with old people that gives him some $300 a month to remind you this is what he said :-

"See the thing is, I want to unite this world and stop wars. From there we can find ways to convert salt water into fresh water, cure cancer, solve the food crisis.. Everything can be solved if we work together. But I honestly need money.. Lots of it.. That's why I was drawn to Ed mercer and his goal. It would please me greatly for helping Ed be happy with his 5th record, but I am still a little confused and need just some help to get my foot in the door.

You know.. Someone to have faith in me in these horrible times.. If I coulda taken out a loan I would have for college (that's why I'm not going college this year cuz financial problems) but I still hold fast to my dream because someday I will accomplish it. But I have no one who will see what I can do. People just look at my past and see that I'm not worth their time.. Just like the scholarship committees..

I'm not looking for a hand out.. I just need a little help.. I will pay them monthly. Well a small pay.. But cuz I work at an elementary skool and they don't pay much"

Well I gave him a link to a group funding site which might help him and yesterday he contacted me having worked out what he needed to get up the ladder and this is what he has set up


David Ogden

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Whatever it Takes

Do you have what it takes to succeed

It really amazes me with all the opportunities that abound that so few people succeed in creating serious wealth. Do you know who is to blame, no not not your sponsor, not the company, not the products. Its YOU.

Take a look at successful people, they are always seeking ways to increase their wealth to fulfil lifetime ambitions of helping other people or other projects. They research projects and then apply themselves 100 % to the task to get their money working with a good return.

Now one thing that holds most people back is they complicate matters. It like asking directions from someone if you are lost and rather than following the path provided which will take you to your destination you think you know better and go off your own way and get lost.

I see this happening on a daily basis, now some people are borne leaders and some are followers but at times a leader will become a follower in areas where someone else has better knowledge knowledge or expertise. I used to manage and lead a team of international adventure racers covering 500-1000 miles in 5-10 days using non powered transport, trekking, kayaks etc. Generally the best qualified person in a particular sport led that particular leg. It was very important to following instruction to the letter as mistakes could result in death and we were often in remote areas of the Jungle.

Determination is another trait of winners no matter what stands in you way you need to do whatever it takes. It took me 3 years and thousands of dollars to officially cross the finish line of an adventure race.

I am now learning how to create serious wealth learning from an expert Billionaire Ed Mercer, and what he and his team say I will do without hesitation because I know that success breeds success.


David Ogden

Whatever it Takes

Do you have what it takes to succeed

It really amazes me with all the opportunities that abound that so few people succeed in creating serious wealth. Do you know who is to blame, no not not your sponsor, not the company, not the products. Its YOU.

Take a look at successful people, they are always seeking ways to increase their wealth to fulfil lifetime ambitions of helping other people or other projects. They research projects and then apply themselves 100 % to the task to get their money working with a good return.

Now one thing that holds most people back is they complicate matters. It like asking directions from someone if you are lost and rather than following the path provided which will take you to your destination you think you know better and go off your own way and get lost.

I see this happening on a daily basis, now some people are borne leaders and some are followers but at times a leader will become a follower in areas where someone else has better knowledge knowledge or expertise. I used to manage and lead a team of international adventure racers covering 500-1000 miles in 5-10 days using non powered transport, trekking, kayaks etc. Generally the best qualified person in a particular sport led that particular leg. It was very important to following instruction to the letter as mistakes could result in death and we were often in remote areas of the Jungle.

Determination is another trait of winners no matter what stands in you way you need to do whatever it takes. It took me 3 years and thousands of dollars to officially cross the finish line of an adventure race.

I am now learning how to create serious wealth learning from an expert Billionaire Ed Mercer, and what he and his team say I will do without hesitation because I know that success breeds success.


David Ogden

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dipolog House and Lot For Sale

Original Article @ Dipolog house and Lot for Sale

Dipolog house and lot for sale
Are Philippine Building Contractors Trustworthy

Well, it has has been some time since I last updated this blog and we are now nearing the end of August so what has been happening. One major success the light switches have been moved outside of the bathrooms and this month they have just started work to clear up the site. the grass on vacant plots had grown so high that snakes we starting to move. now in the last week, they have cleared the lots and i have been told that in due course they will be leveling the ground and laying buffalo grass so that, the small maintenance crew will be able to keep it under control.

The swimming pool is still empty but they have started to landscape that area as well and plan to build a fence around it to keep out the frogs, so we will see how that works, maybe it will be open for Christmas.

As all this maintenance was started, we received a bill for maintenance from January, so I when to the office and said why were they charging maintenance as there was still work outstanding and we had not accepted the house, or received the title deeds so they cannot charge maintenance dues.

I was promised that the site engineer would visit to arrange rectification of our Sink top and removal of our gas cylinder to outside the house on the grounds of safety, I was surprised to learn that unlike most counties LPG tank can be installed in a kitchen with the result that a small leak could blow up the house, at least when outside the gas is more likely to dissipate. The stainless steel sink top was laid on a concrete base with the result that if crockery slips out of your hand when washing it is highly like to smash as there is no give in the draining board.

Till the next time

David Ogden
Dipolog city
Ed Mercer 100 Millionaiers challenge

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Life In the Philippines

Life in the Philippines
Rich and Poor

Time seems to be be flying by at the moment another month is coming to an end. The big floods that hit Manila earlier in the week and caused death and destruction in mainly poor areas have subsided, But clean ups are still continuing. There are still other low pressure areas passing by causing more concerns.

The country is in mourning following a light aircraft crash which killed Secretary Jesse Robredo who is being given a three day State Funeral.

Most of my week has been taken up working with Billionaire Ed Mercer on his quest to create 100 new millionaires. Every time I listen to him I pick up more information on what one needs to do to become wealthy, I was surprised to learn he does not own a computer and like me he does not know SMS. He spends 8 hours a day on the phone, and that is the best way to grow a business, personal contact is one of the key to success as well as finding the right vehicle to use at a particular time.

Timing is important, if you are first say to open up a cafe and it becomes popular, it will not be long before others follow your lead certainly if you live in Asia where similar businesses seem to group together. So when you have an opportunity to do something in a new way you need to move fast.

A person receives few opportunities in a lifetime but you can bet your life that someone who wants to be wealthy will grab everyone of them, which is why they get ahead. By working with ED you can get ahead and create serious wealth

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Do You Want To Be Wealthy

Do you want to be wealthy?

Did you know that you can get whatever you want if you think about it in the right way and commit to getting it. How you think about it matters, but commitment is essential to achieve your goal. The more specific you can be the better.

It is just not good enough just to think "I would like to be wealthy" or even " I would like to be wealthy". Keeping saying an affirmation "I will be wealthy is better".

But when you commit to be wealthy, the universal laws of attraction will start working for you and you need to start homing in with the details what exactly you want to achieve, why you want to achieve it and commit yourself to a date when you will achieve it.

I am lucky to be working with Ed Mercer a Billionaire who right now is setting out to create 100 millionaires from people like you and me, within the next 18 months. He has done the hard work by identifying a method which he can duplicate a hundred times or more. Focussing on but a single goal and doing whatever it takes to get there.

The question I have for you today is are you ready to commit to being wealthy and to follow the path to success, by doing whatever you need to do to achieve success in your life, if so check out Ed Mercer's site.


David Ogden
386 308 1956

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Get your Money working for You

There are many way of making money but few unique opportunities often come along. During the past year I have found two and both are in prelaunch status, the first was Pre-launch Forex which I have been posting about for some time and has grown over 500% and is also set to provide me with a passive income provided the people i have signed up remain in the business.

The second and biggest prelaunch stems from a challenge between Billionaire Ed Mercer and the Guinness Book of Records. Ed already has 4 existing records for helping others. Ed Mercers latest challenge is to create 100 new millionaires from ordinary people in the next 18 months and to do this he has joined forces with marketing company Veretekk who will supply the tools and duplication methods which are important to achieve success in such a time span.

Wealth is but a dream to many people but this dream is about to become a reality, I have taken up the challenge and am looking for a dozen like minded people to join me along the way. time is short as once the core team reaches 200, The first stage will commence which will see more records being broken as a new marketing method is put into practice

Do you have what it takes to earn a million or more then check out Ed Mercer because he will be your personal mentor to guide you to success

David Ogden

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Life In the Philippines

Life in the Philippines
On the Up and Up

For a few weeks now I have been planning a major improvement in my Lifestyle, my net worth has been under attack as goods and services cost more and exchange rates and investments have lost value. So it it time to take some action.

I rediscovered one of my business books which had been stuffed in a box in cupboard until we find some bookshelves and its a book about mastering the inner game of wealth. One chapter which I re read during a recent power outage is about how your mind conditions you to be poor or wealthy and is the reason why if you get a big windfall, you will blow it all away. But you can prevent this and recondition your mind to accept wealth.

Now I have been content with my life having been retired for over 12 years and been able to do what ever I wanted. But now I have extra responsibilities and I need more money to further improve my lifestyle and the lives of others around me. so I have taken up a challenge to become a millionaire.

I am working with a Billionaire Ed Mercer who is in the process of turning 100 ordinary people into Millionaires for an Entry in the Guinness Book of World Records. He already hold 4 other entries for helping people.

Ed has partnered with a marketing company called Veretekk, where I'm am a volunteer trainer who have built a duplicable system to create wealth no matter who you are.

There are less than 200 positions left in the core team so you will need to act fast

People are being placed according to time stamp

Get involved right now and get people placed under you:-

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Life In the Philippines

Life in the Philippines

The Olympics is winding down to a closure, and what a scene it has been, Great Britain punching above their weight to maintain a third place in the Medals tables, with fabulous Television program and recording of every sport. You cannot me moved by the stories of these athletes who have been pursuing their dreams for the past four years or more, putting their lives on hold in the quest for gold.

Now is the time for reflection, some will retire, others will plan to return to higher things in Rio and a new breed will be encouraged to take part. that is the Legacy of the Olympics.

I too have been reflecting on my own life and see now is the time to move ahead with my life in the Philippines. I want to improve the lifestyle of the people close to me. It is the time to take on new challenges and set up plans for the next few years ahead. My net worth has suffered this year with worldwide depression eating away at my assets, so the time is right for action.

I have joined with a new group of entrepreneurs, who have dreams similar to my own, because the power of team is greater than that of the the individual members. We are being being led by a Billionaire who holds a number of Guinness Book of records, with the aim to create 100 millionaires from ordinary people like ourselves.

I invite you to follow me over the weeks and months as I take on my own challenge and one of my goals is to to attend the Next Olympic games in Rio at sit on Copacabana beach to watch a new breed of British sailors win gold.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire

100 people wanted for Millionaire challenge

Who wants to be to be a millionaire, was a popular family quiz for a time, give the right answer to a number of questions and the money was your. The problem is winners of this kind of competition, ending losing there winnings just a quickly, so what is the point.

Now I know of a Billionaire who is seeking to set yet another Guinness book of records for creating 100 new millionaires. He came from a poor family background and made his first million at the the age of 27 and has gone on to create a number millionaire already.

His latest challenge is just starting and he is looking for suitable people that he can mentor and develop into millionaires. This is perhaps the offer of a lifetime and is being explained during two webinars on Saturday.

If you have a home-based business, but have not yet achieved the level of success you are seeking, make sure you attend this event. Ed has already broken 4 different Guinness Book of World Records and has recently announced that he aims to do it again...

Since last week's announcement, already dozens of people have joined Ed's team I am already onboard and would invite you to attend...

Take this invitation seriously! It is truly a remarkable, totally unique opportunity that has never occurred before. Ed is looking for 100 people to PERSONALLY mentor... and he's specifically looking for people that have not had success up till now. (As he puts it, "I'm not looking to make 100 millionaires into multi-millionaires. I want to help empower people that really need it!")

Do to worldwide demand, there will be 2 live web conferences at 8am PST and then again at 1pm PST this Saturday, 8/11/12.

To join the conference just click the link to go to the event you wish to attend:

8:00am PST Web Conference

1:00pm PST Web Conference

Use to check out time where you live.


David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Top SEO Results Tool

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Life In the Philippines

Life in the Philippines

The Olympics has started and coverage in the Philippines is not good however by using my Expat TV, I am able to watch live and also recorded sessions on any event. The BBC as host nation controls the broadcasting, with individual countries deciding what programs they will broadcast, which of does not suit all viewer.

The Expat TV system can access the all the events, so you can watch your favourite team or individual. I think it is great. The secret is not to look at the results but seek out events you want to watch in order to keep the surprise.

On other matters one of our local supermarkets is running a health week and offering free checkups, I and my family took up the offer however they only tested blood pressure rather than also calculating the BMI and measuring weight ,height, and waist measurements.

This was disappointing, however my partner blood pressure was measured above the normal level, so we will need to to test again to see if she has a problem.

We are still suffering a lot of rain and high winds with a stream of depressions passing close to the Philippines and the electrical system has suffered from a number of brown outs.

On the home front Jasmin finally mastered driving in Dipolog city and has the confidence to take our 4*4 for for shopping trips to the market, and to take Jay to and from school when it is raining.

This week we had the change to meet a group of German ex-pats, one of whom hosted a party at his farm outside Polenco. He has a nice set up with coconut trees surrounding his homestead, not far from an army camp, which is good for security.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Life In the Philippines

Life in the Philippines
Living your Dream

Yesterday we traveled to Sindangan as my partner was the sponsor for a Christening, which meant an early start to the day, as the event was to take place at 7AM, in the morning. I am not sure why events are held so early, perhaps it to avoid the heat of the days, or maybe it because they are not good timekeepers.

Whilst the ceremony was taking place I took the opportunity to check the measurement of out small house that we have for rental in order to update our advertisement.

We went to Teahans's beach resort for lunch with our friend's before returning home in the afternoon after filling our car with plants for the garden. Over lunch we discussed the difficulties of operating a business in the Philippines, yes its a great place to live if you have outside resources to support you. But in Mindanao, there is not much money around, so If your dream is to live in the tropics you need to plan accordingly.

I have been working on plans to build my own marketing business here , and you either have to target business with money or else work in the free or low cost market so that people can get onto the first step of the ladder.

One such business is my pre-launch Forex business, which produced yet another winning trade, last week boosting my account by a further 12%. investment program has already proven to be successful, it works well and is very quick on returning your earning to Payza, so I highly recommend this on a short term basis.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!
We have developed this particular group to provide exceptional training services for new to advance marketers on the Internet in a symbiotic approach. Our techniques and trainings can be applied to offline marketing as well and focuses on how to use the phone, giving presentations, seo, email marketing, lead generation, web conferencing, resource tools (such as valuable software and Ebooks), web hosting, website design, and blogging just to name a few. We are serious about building a stable home based business and it starts here. We all must learn the fundamental basics to achieve success and then help others to do the same. Register today for more information.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Early Bird Access To The Commodity Code!

"Officially" Commoditycode opens tomorrow 17th of July..

But for those that need to secure there licenses up front so called "Fund Manager" Licenses are given out.. those are for high rollers only so if you feel like you got the capital needed go to ->

and call the number.. Steve told me they will ask some verification questions and decide who's suited to receive a premium license.

Important: The Official Opening is still happening tomorrow July 17th 9 AM EST Time..

Make sure to be there to snag your copy up.. I know theres a lot of stupid marketing out there suggesting only a limited amount of copies but I know it directly form the source..

Copies are very limited and the SOLD OUT sign will appear days, if not hours after opening.. 100% guaranteed.

But its understandable given the fact that making money in every market is always at the expense of someone else.

And nobody knows if they will EVER open doors for this moneymaker again... Would you risk it if you had a proven moneymaker just for the sake of a few bucks more?

I would not.

As usual we consumers are protected by law with a 60 day money back guarantee so in this case you need to hop in guns blazing ..and ask questions later because you truly have nothing to loose.

I get no special treatment as well and have to stay in line like everyone else.. but I will definitely get my copy.. after all a product that made over 800,000 USD real cash is quite.. "rare"

Wouldn't you agree? :)

Just the best!


PS: Call them up..!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Life in the philippines

Life in the Philippines
Tropical storms

Once again this week a tropical storm has been hanging around the Philippines, with the result that there tends to be heavy rain in the evenings, just when I settle down to catch up on the latest news on TV.

The satellite systems sold here have far to small a dish to receive a good signal when it rains and it is something that the providers need to address, it also effects cable suppliers in the provinces as well as virtually all content is bounced of satellite at some point apart from local channels.
I have subscribed to Expat TV which allow me to watch programs from the UK on my computer and I starting to think that I might ditch my satellite, as the Internet is not effected by the weather, unless of course the power or phone lines are damaged by falling trees.

Last week I had a meeting with the local electricity supplier and they agreed to take up my complaint about how they calculated my deposit with their Board. A number of other items were discussed, including their website which is still under construction, as they have a vacancy. I made a suggestion that is they removed links from the site to pages which were not complete, visitors would have a better browsing experience.

For some time now I have been searching for ways for people to be able to improve life in the Philippines, and yesterday when out for a visit to the beach we stopped off at a restaurant in Dapitan city, where a business presentation was being held. As we finished our lunch, I asked for an information pack, as it maybe something that I could build as a local source of income.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!

How Too Productively Work your Home Business

There are different methods and strategies which people use when building a home based business. Some use email marketing as their primary method while other people spend time writing articles much like this one. These two methods set out for long term results and are not as productive as using the phone, holding small business conferences (on or offline), or introducing a person face to face about your products or services.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Marketing Your Business

Top SEO Results Tips
Marketing your Business

Some time ago I researched information about Dipolog City and found sites for both the region Zanorte and the City itself, however the information on the sites had not been kept up to date and one site was missing altogether, perhaps it is been revised. How can a city attract visitors and investment when information is not up to date. One glaring example was the electrical supply situation where no mention was made about the fact of a major upgrade that is at present underway. I gleaned this information from a private site that suggests it supplies news on a daily basis but was last updated in October.

I have today revisited my research and the site that was missing is now up an running, operated by the tourist board, however it is does not have an English version of news which surprises me. I think the site is still under construction as many link do not work. The Local electricity supplier site is still also incomplete but is slowly being updated, hopefully this work will be completed soon, as it could be a good source of information as to when planned maintenance is being undertaken.

When you are marketing a business online it is vital that your website is kept up to date and the same goes for public information sites otherwise your visitors will disappear.

Commercial sites must have a constant supply of fresh information, for example details of special offers, prices changes, sales or even changes in personnel and management. An easy way of supplying this information is to write a daily blog and then connect the feed the the index page of your blog, this will ensure visitors including search engine robots will keep coming back for more.

Until the next time

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Top SEO Results Tools  |  Conference Room  |  Videos  |  Contact Me

We are serious about building a stable home based business and it starts here. We all must learn the fundamental basics to achieve success and then help others to do the same. Register today for more information.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Life In the Philippines

Life in the Philippines
Living our Dream

Schools have now started their new year, which made a big hole in our pockets paying for fees, books and uniform, as Jay is in a private school. We believe we have made a good choice as the classes are smaller and the teachers communicate with parents on an almost daily basis, and discipline is strict with a system of rewards and punishments.

We had a visit from a Dutch neighbour who also lives in our gated community and he gave us some pineapple cuttings and a young orange tree to add to our collection of small trees such as lemon, apple mango and dwarf coconut trees. I think it will be 5 years or more before they will bear fruit, but at least I will not need to learn how to climb a coconut tree. The only problem we have is how to stop our two young dogs from digging everything up.

Work wise I have continued with my research on ways of creating additional wealth, as I would like to provide a safe and reliable way to produce additional income. My pre launch Forex business seems to have peeked with just over 300 subscribers, so hopefully when it comes on line in August, it could bring in $3,000 per month. but only time will tell, however its what I refer to as a no lose opportunity as it was free.

I need to visit our local electricity supplier (Zamboanga Del Norte Electric Cooperative) for an explanation why the costs of generating continue to rise at a time that fuel prices are falling. I am also looking for a rebate of my Deposit as my electricity consumption is about half what they estimated.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!

Motivation Equals Success

With everything we do in our lives, motivation is the biggest determining factor of whether something will get done or not. This could be any task no matter how large or small. Let's say you own a home based business. What is defined to be the drive for success? How do we stay motivated to succeed? With your own business it is very easy to get sidetracked and become lazy. After all, you are the boss right? Procrastination takes its course embedding the mind with non-productive thoughts to steer away any and all motivation.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Life In the Philippines

Life in the Philippines

There has been a tropical storm sitting to the east of the Philippines for the past week, so we having been having a bit more rain than usually, don't have to water the garden so often, it seems the Philippines missed the worst of the storm but a few fishing boats were lost.

A journalist and crew went missing in Jolo on Independence day. Jolo is an Island between Malaysia and the Philippines SW of Mindanao, where I live and is a base for local is a base of a Muslim terrorist group. The government has taken no action as there is still debate as to if he is missing or not and until that is resolved, or a ransom note is received no action can be taken.

I am still searching for a KJV Bible for Jay but it is proving a difficult task, I have however found a small store that sells 2nd had novels, so that might be useful for the future. I have even started searching online bust so far no success.

Local schools are back, so need to avoid town at start and end of school day due to traffic jams

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!

The idea of working from home is spreading quickly through families worldwide. Most people begin to think about taking this low cost risk when they involve themselves with a reputable company with a solid track record and a valuable product or service people need. Just think about it for a minute. The ability to work when you want, as long as you want, without having to commute, spend money on gas or live the day to day stress of a 9-5 job. This is a very appealing business model to me. I am that person who does not handle authority very well-especially when that authority gets to dictate the pay I get regardless of how hard I work.

You see, with a home based business model, I get to choose my pay, when I get a raise and how hard I would like to work. When building a business in the beginning, it is extremely important to work as hard as you can with "productive work" as opposed to "busy work".

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Life In the Philippines

Life in the Philippines

The past week has proved to me that the contractor who installed my gate is not to be trusted as he substituted a poor quality gate instead of what was specified, the installation is crude, and it will be virtually impossible to upgrade for remote control.

The Philippines celebrates it independence day on Tuesday, and our routine shopping day, yesterday was interrupted dues to road closures caused by processions with bands and dancers who were also celebrating the foundation of the state of Zanorte. Our quest was to find a book store where we could purchase a holy Bible King James version in English.

Books are hard to find in Dipolog city and looking online we found references to a book store in Friendly Mart, so we went there and the store guide pointed to the fourth floor, but no sign of any books, however a further search revealed a small section in the stationary department and I was able to purchase a English(US) dictionary, but no sign of a bible.

When locals refer to English here they are actually talking about American English many do not realise that, English spellings and meanings are different in American English. Words such as colour spelt as color and trousers are referred to as pants in American.

Security in out gated sub-division is being beefed up following a couple of break ins in another estate, until now the security guards tended to let anyone in. they are now planning a possible wireless entry system, security cameras and also radios for the security guards rather than mobile phones.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!

With everything we do in our lives, motivation is the biggest determining factor of whether something will get done or not. This could be any task no matter how large or small. Let's say you own a home based business. What is defined to be the drive for success? How do we stay motivated to succeed? With your own business it is very easy to get sidetracked and become lazy. After all, you are the boss right? Procrastination takes its course embedding the mind with non-productive thoughts to steer away any and all motivation.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Life In the Philippines - alternative to Local TV

Life in the Philippines
TV in the Philippines

I am so happy that I can get access to UK television programs here in the Philippines, the main providers here such as Cignal, Globe and cable TV serve up a mix of local and US based series. the programming of which is unreliable as they change the program mix in your subscriptions on a regular basis and often cancel scheduled programs.

The weather here with heavy rainstorms also result in programs being interrupted sue to loss of signal. I have also been comparing watching formula 1 on ESPN HD with BBC1 and its great to be able to watch an event without adverts which often appear at critical moments.

New TV's are available with Internet and wireless connections so it is getting easier to send Internet action to larger screens, I for one have plans to have a new TV in my office, which I will also be able to use as a computer monitor as, just have to work out where I am going to position it.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!

Productive work is what will make you money for the long term. Busy work is a waste if time which has no guarantee. Of course in the long term, that so called "busy work" might pay off; yet, in the start of building a business from home it is crucial to use the phone and talk to real people and have actual conversations to build rapport and trust. This is the key to building a successful home based business.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Life In the Philippines

Life in the Philippines
End of another Month

We have now been in our house for four months and it is still not completed, its nearly their Mediatrix did not finish their work inside the house, otherwise we could sign it off as complete. They did however request that we apply a sticker to our car so that security will not stop us from entering. I pointed out to the management that it would be better to have an automated barrier system operated by a tag or card, which provides better security. I do not want to have a sticker on my car as it identifies where I live which could cause potential problems for my personal security where kidnapping is a risk. am automated barrier would also relieve the gatehouse from having to always open and close the gates.

Talking of gates yes I have my gates installed but they still have to be painted, but I am not happy with the installation because as soon as I ran my car over the gutter a piece of concrete cracked off. I had been assured that a metal gutter had been installed, but no its just concrete. the whole gate saga has been a bit of a fiasco with the contractor telling lies. The original gate was supposed to be made from aluminum and shipped across from Cebu, but the contractor used the money for another project and then had a steel gate manufactured locally and it has been a problem ever since.

I have now been in the Philippines for over a year and my visa expires in September to when my local paper advertised low cost airfare from Cebu to Hongkong at 448 PHP I jumped at it, but like a lot of advertising it was a bit of a con as for two people the return flight was 1952 PHP plus 6902.14 PHP for tax, fuel surcharge and fees. 1450 PHP for baggage and to add insult to injury 400 PHP for booking via the Internet. Yes there is a saving of 1911 PHP per sector so booking now saved me a total 7644 PHP. But I would prefer the Cebu Pacific website be a little more truthful about the actual cost by including the main elements such as tax fuel charges etc in their advertising, which are unavoidable cost. We did opt out of additional costs of seat reservations and hot meals.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Life In the Philippines

Life in the Philippines
The weekend

Finally this weekend it seem that things are falling into place, A gang of men have worked through the weekend uncovering the pavement that runs in front of the house, it has been buried for the past year. the job is note quite finished as mud from the empty lot next door also needs to be cleared away.

The electrician is due today to fit blanking plates in the spaces where the old switches were removed. So the only outstanding work to complete our house is the sink top in the main kitchen, which needs to have the concrete removed so that it functions correctly.

Our front gates are due to be completed today, however based on history of the job I think this will drag out over another week, but the end is in site.

I have waited patiently for quotes for house insurance and it was a worthwhile exercise, in fact the final quote was not only the cheapest but also offered some valuable extras such as limited medical coverage and liability insurance plus a hotline for the like of household repairs, so I will be confirming the policy with the Metrobank today.

Saturday marked another day without electricity, so we went out in search of a waterfall, which is supposed to be a good place to swim. Unfortunately we had no map and I was unable to download information from the Internet. we tried a few different routes but ended up returning to the coast at Dapitan and having a snack before returning home. the Falls will have to wait for another day.

Till the next time

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Life In the Philippines - leisure

Life in the Philippines
Conquering Linabo Peak

mediatrix hills I have had a goal of climbing Linabo peak for over a year now, as it dominates the horizon when viewed from my house in Mediatrix Hill. I finished my daily business routine early and as the set was shining, set of with Jasmin and a friend to climb the 3003 steps.

We drove to the foot of the hill and signed the visitors book to start the climb. Concrete steps make it quite easy and there are 15 stations where you can take a breather plus a few toilets for those who get caught short. The climb was quite easy and even in the heat I hardly broke a sweat, but the two girls had quite a struggle, puffing and blowing. Arriving near the top the steps were replaced by a concrete path through a small hamlet with an elementary school before it terminated below the wireless masts that dominate the ridge. The final section was a steep rocky path with topes set up as handholds , and this was the highlight of the trip, together with the 360 degrees views from the top. One can really appreciate just how small Dipolog city really is, surrounded by extensive rice fields. Away from the coastal zone stretches mile upon mile of coconut trees and the like stretching towards distant hills, with virtually no tracks, although I can feel the urge to explore as there are occasional houses.

The return was a little harder, steps down put a lot of strain on the knees, so I just relaxed and let myself go at a steady jog keeping my knee bent. Meeting up with the girls at the bottom to drive home for lunch.

The Contractor fixing our gate arrived in the afternoon to finish fixing a channel for the gate to run in and I went into town on my mountain bike to pick up my house insurance policy. all in all a good day.

Till the next time

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Life In the Philippines -Service

Life in the Philippines
Things are moving

As a result of complaints earlier this weeks, things are beginning to move, it seems you have to start getting really angry before people start to pay attention, they are just too laid back here to do very much to help. I have now received tow replies for house insurance so once I have read through the small print I will be able to make a decision. Now the Philippines suffers a lot from bad weather but even with comprehensive cover for flood and typhoons, there are many loopholes in the cover offered so it definitely a case of buyer be aware. One thing is good though the premiums for living in a gated community are much lower than elsewhere.

Yesterday after some four months of arguments my building contractor finally moved my light switches from inside the bathrooms to outside the bathrooms to reduce chances of electric shock when switching light on an off. Electrical safety does not seem to be of much concern here, I offered to switch of the lighting circuits, but the electrician was quite happy to work with the circuits still live!

The saga of my front gates is still ongoing, my sliding gate has been installed, however the track guide, needs some modification to keep the gate on the rails, so doubtless this will take another week. still no sign of side gate which was promised for today. Our dogs however now have freedom to roam in the garden after months of being tied up.

Till the next time

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Life in the Philippines

Life in the Philippines
Kick Ass Day

A number of events have been leading up to today. i have been waiting for my house to be finally completed and also waiting for insurance quotes, so first task of the the day was to visit the PNB bank and find out why they had not processed my application.

Yes sir we had some questions and need pictures of the house, so why did they not come and take some pictures and supply me with a draft copy of the policy. Ah the manager has been on two weeks compulsory leave. No excuse you have had my application for six weeks, just come round today and take your pictures.

Next visit Metro Bank, ah yes sir we tried phoning but no reply... what about using the postal address, and why is your website and email no longer working. Left house telephone number and updated information and now have to wait for them to get back to me again.

Next stop immigration, here I thought it was going to be a quick stop and go to extend my visa, but office was closed mad it looks as if I might have to make a long overland trip to Zamboanga city in the next couple of days to get the renewal completed. not good news.

Returning to Mediatrix and handed in the latest list of items to be completed before we can finally accept the house is complete. as lo mentioned that swimming pool is style lying empty, apparently awaiting landscaping to be complete, so I suggested they just fill it up so it can be used, to cool off, not to worried about the landscape that can be done later. I also raised a security issue in response for house owner to purchase an entry sticker for cars. this is not a good idea as it advertisers where I live and it is better to keep a low profile in this part of the Philippines. I suggested that they consider an entry card/key system with automated barriers, as a better alternative.

Till the next time

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Free Seminar on Business Marketing

Thomas Prendergast
Veretekk CEO

This Wednesday at Noon (May 16, 2012) at 12pm noon PST I will be hosting a special open house for the newly subscribed and seasoned members of Veretekk.

This event will cover the V2 Integration capabilities that have recently become even more powerful than ever. (And you can plagiarize this you have my permission) Integration

You are hearing a lot about integration within Veretekk especially with the launch of V2. But most people do not fully grasp the term and how it plays in V2. Let me try to illustrate this powerful aspect of V2. in·te·grate
[in-ti-greyt] Show IPA verb, in·te·grat·ed, in·te·grat·ing. verb (used with object)

  1. to bring together or incorporate (parts) into a whole.
  2. to make up, combine, or complete to produce a whole or a larger unit, as parts do.
  3. to unite or combine.
A note about my background and experience: I started into Marketing at a very young age. In a thumbnail, I was born to be an artist. My parents were horrified about this claiming that artist starve to death. This freaked me out. So I bought many books on marketing art and marketing in general. One of those books, "Confessions of an Advertising Man", by David Ogilvy I purchased in 1980. That book changed my life. In 1984 Soon after I acquired my first computer and the quest to merge was on.

I coined the term back in the 90s as Data Base Marketing, but today, with the advent of a progressing Internet, and related technologies, what was a tactical or strategic action in the 80s today is represented by a digital counterpart.

Today's Internet Marketer is by far a lot less qualified to be in marketing than his counterpart 20 years ago. Today one can just claim to be an SEO master or an Internet Marketer simply because the information to discover the basics and intricacies to do so are at everyone's fingertips. This does not diminish the effectiveness of today's marketer over the marketing agency of 20 years ago, it just establishes that things have changed on a massive scale.

20 years ago it took a Marketing Department to accomplish what most Internet marketers set upon themselves to do today on their own. (This is why so many fail and/or have a chronic case of ADD; Attention Deficit Disorder). NOTE: "I suffer from this myself"

The marketing tools of the Internet, the ability to measure results, the ability to research on the Internet is a dream come true to a seasoned and long time experienced ad man as myself. But it also brings with it a serious risk potential and that is the undertaking of keeping track of and updating each of the aspects that compromise Internet Marketing today.

Back before the Internet an ad agency had many people for each respective responsibility, one department for sending direct mail, another for tradeshows and conferences and yet another for display advertising and printed material, press releases, radio ads, conventions, etc.....

This is why the majority of Internet marketers are tactical (focused mostly on one aspect like SEO) instead of being strategic, having a full focus of research, analysis, multifaceted campaigns using all the tools required for full scale Internet marketing, keeping it organized and processing the constant information caused by such a campaign.

Tools ie:

  • Hosting for domains and websites
  • Auto responders email for follow-up communications
  • Web Conference Rooms for live meetings, educational seminars, training connecting.
  • SEO systems, back links, authority sites, forums, blogs, etc.
  • Display advertising
  • A social networking system and management
  • Lead generating systems or resources for a steady inventory of leads.
  • Contact data management system, calendars, reminders component.

The need to integrate all these aspects is paramount otherwise the marketing campaign is limited to a tactical approach, with poor management and even worse results. IE: hit and miss attempts, scattered approaches caused by lack of a solid strategy, impulsively running from one idea to another, the results are mediocre at best and worse, forgetting what was done in the past as this method also lacks tracking the posts, ads, and tactics, etc. used.

I have seen competent SEO marketers run from one domain to another, buying more domains and creating sites just for posting more content on pointing to other sites pointing to other sites creating a mass of gibberish that at best might increase an Alexa ranking to some degree but never really amounting to anything but time wasted.

This same phenomena can be seen with many people on the Internet running from one business idea or opportunity to the other. With no clear-cut objective, this is why most Internet marketers fail.

When you integrate the entire process, from research analysis (keeping track of that), keyword analysis, targeted content, pre written letters ready for your sequential mail auto responders, team building with a symbiotic group, videos and audio animations and screen captured demos, capture pages (tested with your group in our Bull Pen: focus groups increase the overall effectiveness of design and strategy), blogging and other partners in your group blogging on your behalf, back linking strategies and keeping track of the thousands of authority site memberships for additional effect, ratings with Google Page ranks and Alexa ranks and tracking that, traffic tracking, running display ads and managing that, running Google adsense ads, Facebook Ads etc and tracking, radio ads and cableTV ads. Whew!

All of this seems very overwhelming to accomplish 'on your own'. However the very core of Veretekk and it's services and benefits allows you to run full throttle professional campaigns like this without resorting to hiring an agency to do it, or having a dozen or so unrelated services in an attempt to run something akin to this on your own

This level of marketing is what you will see from top income earners and the very successful among the halls of the top ranked members of Internet Marketing. This is the "why" for why we built Veretekk.

It is called integration. The entire Veretekk system is completely integrated so you can ramp up and run a far more effective marketing campaign. Ad to this the Market Manager and the fact that V2 social network element gives you the added benefit of building a symbiotic group to make your efforts that much more powerful.

This Wednesday May 16, 2012 at 12pm NOON PST I will be conducting another 2-3 hour seminar

To attend this free seminar Click Here and scroll to bottom of page enter you name and select the event

12:00 PM - Veretekk Inc. V2 Marketing Integration
You are hearing a lot about integration within Veretekk especially with the launch of V2. But most people do not fully grasp the term and how it plays in V2. At this seminar I will illustrate this powerful aspect of V2. Invite your guests. It's open house