Friday, October 19, 2012

Life in the Philippines -Wedding

Philippine wedding

Yesterday we attending another wedding in the Philippines which seems to be a popular place for people to marry local girls. This time it was an Australian marrying a girl just out of college. It tuned out to be a long day with an early morning start to travel to Sindangan for breakfast prior to the wedding planned for 10AM. Once again the wedding turned out to be totally disorganised, with nobody knowing what was happening, we went to a guest house house were the bride was preparing in order to change and 10AM came and went, while we sat and chatted in the Garden. There appeared to be some problem relating to the Judge who was going to officiate over the ceremony. we were then sent to a local school hall were the reception was to be held, to wait the arrival of the wedding party.

The wedding co-ordinate forgot to inform the the Bridegroom who was left waiting at his hotel. Finally some time later the Judge arrived and we took our places with the sponsors to follow the Judge and the Bridegroom down the aisle ahead of the Bride. The Judge sat at a raised table with the Bride and Groom on each side and then appeared to lecture then on law in the Philippines saying that it is easy to get married but the Philippines does not allow divorce, while we all sat around and listened, in a building which was getting hotter and hotter in the midday sun. Eventually we were called to stand and gather round for the actually ceremony to began. it was evident there had been no rehearsal and the groom had some difficulties understanding some of the words he was meant to say due to the pronunciation. Finally they were pronounced Husband and Wife and we were able to toast the bride and groom and get on with the reception.

Now I have always understood a civil ceremony was quicker but this one took longer than any church wedding. Once the reception was over we went to one of our friends beach resort to change and refresh ourselves for the return drive to Dipolog city.

Our friends who we travelled with had had a real eye opener in visiting the rural town of Sindangan with its dusty roads and hundreds of tri-cycles both pedal and motorised in place of cars, which seems some ten years behind Dipolog city where we all live.

We arrived home in the early evening exhausted from been baked in the heat of the day and by the travel on local roads which I have written about on many occasions, so we had an early night.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

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