Monday, May 21, 2012

Life in the Philippines

Life in the Philippines
Kick Ass Day

A number of events have been leading up to today. i have been waiting for my house to be finally completed and also waiting for insurance quotes, so first task of the the day was to visit the PNB bank and find out why they had not processed my application.

Yes sir we had some questions and need pictures of the house, so why did they not come and take some pictures and supply me with a draft copy of the policy. Ah the manager has been on two weeks compulsory leave. No excuse you have had my application for six weeks, just come round today and take your pictures.

Next visit Metro Bank, ah yes sir we tried phoning but no reply... what about using the postal address, and why is your website and email no longer working. Left house telephone number and updated information and now have to wait for them to get back to me again.

Next stop immigration, here I thought it was going to be a quick stop and go to extend my visa, but office was closed mad it looks as if I might have to make a long overland trip to Zamboanga city in the next couple of days to get the renewal completed. not good news.

Returning to Mediatrix and handed in the latest list of items to be completed before we can finally accept the house is complete. as lo mentioned that swimming pool is style lying empty, apparently awaiting landscaping to be complete, so I suggested they just fill it up so it can be used, to cool off, not to worried about the landscape that can be done later. I also raised a security issue in response for house owner to purchase an entry sticker for cars. this is not a good idea as it advertisers where I live and it is better to keep a low profile in this part of the Philippines. I suggested that they consider an entry card/key system with automated barriers, as a better alternative.

Till the next time

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!

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