Sunday, April 8, 2012

BBC TV in Philippines

Life in the Philippines
TV in the Philippines

English TV in the Philippines is certainly a realty, for the past week I have been able to follow what is going on on UKTV with live and recorded programs, which makes a change from the stock American based programs on local satellite TV.

The program allows you to watch BBC via your computer at a cost of less than 10 Euro (570PHP). I am already planning on purchasing a large screen for my computer later in the year, so this could serve a duel purpose.

Today, I watched a recording of the Oxford and Cambridge boat race, which was one of the most exciting event for many year. I was formally a cox of my college first VIII and I do not think anyone could predict what was going to happen.

If you have not heard the outcome, I will not spoil it for you by telling you the result but you will never have seen racing like this;

So if there are any Expats out there missing out of programs from home they should check out Expats Telly I recommend it

Till the next time David Ogden

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