Nopalea Cactus Juice
Chronic Pain and Inflammation Relief
Pain is a common occurrence, ranging from headaches and migraines,to chronic pain from accidents, burns and inflammation. How one controls pain can improve the healing process, however there is a downside of causing unwanted side effects.
There are two pain types of pain, Acute and chronic, both of which can occur at the same time. The euphemism "breakthrough pain" is one type of acute pain an individual can undergo. This pain can occur because of movement or activity, but it can also happen when the body has involuntary movements, such as expelling gas or muscle twitches. Medication can be prescribed for the "break" in pain that around the clock medicating provides.
Acute pain may occur in the same area as the chronic pain, but not always. Noting the events leading up to the episode of breakthrough pain can help caregivers adjust activity levels if needed. In some cases, the area in pain and/or the event that contributes to it cannot be pinned down. Recording episodes, including seemingly random incidents, will still help when pain management is reviewed.
When pain resurfaces before the next scheduled dose of medication and isn't associated with a voluntary or involuntary action, the physician can be notified to examine the timing and amount of around the clock medication. Noticing the time of pain onset and keeping a record can help the doctor make a decision about keeping pain relief consistent.
Chronic pain is consistent and "stable." While there may be some fluctuating of intensity, it is "reliable" in its characteristics. Medication for this type of pain is generally around the clock to provide continuity of relief. Over time, medications are adjusted to account for changes in the pain cycle, including a patient's tolerance to a given dosage.
David Ogden
CEO TheInterbiz LLC
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