Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Life in Philippines

Life in the Philippines
Philippines Power management damages Computer

Today my computer problems were finally diagnosed and the root of the problem was not the power supply unit but the motherboard of the computer has been fried as a direct result of the total failure of the Zanorte Electrical supply company to provide a constant stable electrical supply. Do they feel guilty No, however it is one of the many reasons why many companies think twice about setting up business in the Philippines.

You would think that with the sun almost directly overhead they would make great use of Solar power but they seem to operate with their heads in the sand. They also fail to control illegal connections to the grid. surely if they knew what they were doing they would realise that the amount of power they produce when compared with the total of the consumer bills clearly shows how much power is being stolen.

Anyway now my main computer is scrap save for the shell, as the hard drive, processor and memory are not compatible with new motherboard so all have to be replaces. Hopefully I will pick up the computer tomorrow and then have to spend the day reinstalling various applications so I can get back to work.

Our unplanned spending continues to mount, also due to the cost of Jasmin's Anti- Rabies course, next we will have vets bills for Fred, and of course my Dental bill. Heres hoping there are no more surprises in store this month. The only blessing being that costs here are lower than Malaysia.

Until the next time
David Ogden

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