Dipolog house and lot for sale
Good ProgressWhat a difference a week makes and despite the bad weather construction of out Dipolog house and Lot for sale are gathering pace. Also we are getting answers to our problems. the crew is hard at work on the roof and this will be completed by our next visit . we notice the bath we had ordered has arrived and yes it does fit, big sigh of relief. Downstairs wiring has commenced and supports for false ceiling are being installed in main living area and carport. The counter bases in the Kitchen and dirty kitchen have been laid.
One of the reasons for our visit was to select new tiles and there is no longer stock of the ones we selected months ago. This is a bit of a blow, and was one of the reasons we expected to see piles of material awaiting installation.
We visited the hardware supplier and I suppose we spent an hour or two picking floor tiles for the main living area originally we had selected off white tiles, then Jasmin selected black with some white streaks, quite modern looking, but I spotted a Brick effect tile, with a slightly roof finish, and having remembered that one or twice I had slipped on shiny tiles in KK, I thought they would not only look nice but also be unique, it was a hard sell for Jasmin but I said we can also rugs/carpet on top if the pattern is too much. we also need to order tiles for the shared bathroom and maids room where we chose a pinkish shade. finally we confirmed our jet type shower was on order.
Tiles will be delivered this week so maybe this is the next stage. the terrace is also taking shape with its low wall and I requested that the engineer put a small doorway from one wall of the terrace in to the roof area above the car port to allow access for extra storage. I questioned if there would be a manhole leading into main room area.
We will soon be at the stage where we can actively start searching for furnishing to complete our new home. Outside work has also commenced on our deco feature of local stone tiles.
So hopefully next week major construction will be completed/