Monday, May 16, 2011

Veretekk hosting Launch 21st May

Veretekk Enhanced Cpanel Hosting

Veretekk Cpanel hosting launches on 21st May 2010 the so called judgement day which supposed marks the beginning of 5 months of torment leading up to the end of the world in November.

The launch of Veretekk hosting will provide complimentary professional web hosting for all Veretekk Gold subscribers and marks a sea change in the way hosting is supported. When you look at web hosting support what do you actually get, the answer is very little. generally speaking their is a call centre or a contact box with FAQ's and a promise to get back to you in 48 hours.

Well I am sorry that is not support.

Veretekk hosting will be different as live support will be provided via chat 24/7. Veretekk subscribers have been using this support chat for a year or more, your questions will always get answered, and not only that but in Addison to live and recorded training fellow members will also provide help.

The Veretekk community is one of the few online communities that specialises in helping you operate your own online business and now with hosting you will be able to access everything from one site and one fixed cost.

If you want to know more about Veretekk Hosting check it out today by going to