Kathy G. loves hiking in America's most spectacular parks. Yet, it was getting increasingly difficult for her to keep up the pace. The Arlington, Texas resident and her husband, Mike, have made four-day backpacking trips to Zion National Park, Yosemite National Park and the Santa Fe wilderness area.
Prior to each trip she used to have to visit her doctor to get a cortisone shot for an inflammatory condition in her hip. In addition, Kathy made sure to stock up on over-the-counter pain relievers. She also had a chronically stiff, swollen and painful thumb joint. She says, "Nothing seemed to help with this pain except shots, over-the counter pills and a brace."
Super B for super energy
Kathy has been a TriVita Member for 10 years. She first heard about the company from her aunt, who took Sublingual B-12. "I trust my aunt because she does lots of research," says Kathy. "If it's good enough for her, it's good enough for me. My aunt has more energy than many much younger people. I started using Sublingual B-12, then Super Sublingual B-12 myself and noticed a big improvement in my energy. In fact, I pop a Super B tablet right before I start exercising on the elliptical machine." Kathy and other members of her family have also benefited from the Two-Step Energy System and VitaCal-Mag D.
Kathy was intrigued by Nopalea when TriVita started offering the product and she ordered her first bottle about four months ago. She was impressed by the many testimonials for the product, but still wondered if it would really help with her hip and thumb problems.
Nopalea lowers the pain
Kathy attributes her success to completing the Nopalea Wellness Challenge and making sure she followed the full Loading Phase for 30 days. After one week on Nopalea, Kathy admits she didn't feel much of a change. However, after the second week she could easily move her thumb without pain. "It was such a blessing to have the pain go down drastically. I felt so fortunate that I didn't even notice that my right hip was also feeling so much better."
Nopalea's effectiveness really showed when she had to suddenly leave home for four days to take care of her sick mother. "Much to my regret, I had forgotten to take my Nopalea with me," she remembers. "While I was with my mom, I could definitely feel some of that old pain coming back. As soon as I returned home, I rushed to the refrigerator to drink my Nopalea, and within 30 minutes the pain had diminished."
Sharing wellness with friends
Kathy was so convinced of Nopalea's value that she decided to become a TriVita Affiliate Member. She had been approached several times with various business propositions. However, Kathy didn't feel strongly enough about any of them to invest her own time and effort.
All that changed with TriVita and Nopalea. "So far, my new life as an Affiliate Member is going great," Kathy remarks. "I can go along at my own pace and I have many friends with similar health issues. I consider it my duty to share my wellness experience with them. People know that I would not offer anything to my friends that I did not believe in 100%."
So, now Kathy is looking forward to lots of pain-free hikes with the help of Nopalea, and without any long needles. Better yet, she can share good health with friends who have also gotten relief from this delicious wellness drink.*
*You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your healthcare provider. There are no guarantees regarding income. Like any other business, success or failure depends on participants' own skills and effort.
Have you taken the Nopalea Wellness Challenge?
To find out more about Sonoran Bloom Nopalea, Click Here.
David Ogden
TriVita Affiliate 13142173
386 308 1956 after 6pm EST
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